Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Redstone Tip 7# - Lava Trap

This video shows a simple lava trap. You can make this trap to prevent players/hostile mobs from entering your house. It's very deadly and it will destroy all of your stuff in your inventory, so don't get caught in it. Enjoy! :)


  1. I should use these to hide my chest in game

  2. I going to give this a try tonight

  3. Hah, me and my friend made something different. Our house was situated on a hill, near the waterfall, so we created something like a water corridor which led to our door. Basically, one-block wide road with raging streams of water at both sides, which threw all the mobs down when they tried to come in. We actually got caught in our own invention few times :)

  4. Nice contraption! I should start survival in MineCraft.

  5. haha this is sweet. thanks man

  6. I haven't tried this one, thanks
